Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the blog, folx! I thought I’d start this journey off with some client education in regards to making sure you learn how to become every photographers FAVOURITE person to work with (because who doesn’t love being a favourite?) I know I love being someone’s favourite photographer, so I’m sure people love being favourite clients. In order for you to become a fave, there’s some things you need to know and consider as a potential client before reaching out to a professional photographer in order to make them go “I WANNA WORK WITH THIS PERSON!” First and foremost; A professional photographer



Antonia is located in Barrie, Ontario. Story-teller and photographer, Antonia draws focus into capturing the intimacy and vulnerability between free-spirited couples. Roam and Ramble’s services range from photographing milestones, to shooting for loves-sake. The vulnerability and passion of love doesn’t need an occasion. Roam & Ramble is a celebration of the human experience, vulnerability and curious minds.